La base des enseignement biblique
by Atem Randy Asong
About this course
Our Lesson Plan
Leçon 1 : La Parole de Dieu
Sous-leçon 1 : Qu'est-ce que la Bible ?
20minsTake a peek at what you will get inside the course
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Course Content
Category:bible, Fondamentaux, Jeunes Etudes, Basique, Novice, ComprendreDuration:6h:50minsLessons:1 Lesson(s)Language:frenchYou will Learn
Ideation, sketching, wireframingPrototyping Low Fidelity: Paper PrototypingHigh Fidelity DesignUser TestingRequirements
There are no prerequisites or requirements for this course.
Ce cours explore les fondements des enseignements bibliques, divisé en 5 leçons principales. Chaque leçon comprend 4 sous-leçons, suivies d'un quiz pour tester les connaissances acquises.
Atem Randy Asong
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Frequently Asked Questions
The Groupe Biblique des Élères et Étudiants du Cameroun – GBEEC (Cameroon Student Bible Fellowship – CSBF in English) is a Christian ministry alongside the churches in Cameroon, in the fields of training, evangelization and mission.
The vision of the GBEEC is stated in French and English, respectively: “Purses and students trained in communities of disciples transformed by the gospel and impacted on the university, the church and the society for the glory of Christ." “Students groupe